CoWorkH, the first Spanish job offers portal for influencers (Watch Live Now)

It will be from December when an innovative website begins to function: CoWorkH, which seeks to respond to a non-existent demand right now in the market.

As a general rule, when companies seek to distinguish themselves from collaborations with the most well-known and famous names and opt for another type of popular profile that better fits their idea, they feel lost.

This is where the new website https://coworkh.comthat will be launched in the coming weeks comes in. A portal where, in a simple way and through filters of age, market niche, number of followers or even location, among others, the proposal of the company and the interest of the influencer will be put in common.

“On our portal, each influencer profile and brand will have their own profile page, with their own custom url so that all information can be reviewed. Companies will be able to publish their proposals and offers of collaboration and profiles in networks, sign up to those that fit their profile. It is, at heart, a job seeker for contracting and contracting. The contact will be made within the site thanks to the option of sending internal messages, but also via email, telephone or even social networks if they allow it in the profiles ”they explain from the platform.

What is achieved by betting on this type of marketing?

For a few years now, the platform of choice for the public has been Instagram, which has become an influencer marketing space. In Spain, it is estimated that there are more than 19 million active accounts that, on average, connect more than 50 minutes a day. What makes this medium an opportunity for brands to position their products in the hands of relevant profiles that have followers who trust their recommendations.

“Influencers have the potential to create engagement, drive conversion, and even influence the decision to purchase products / services of a target audience through a series of collaborative links with companies. It is actually about combining proposals and profiles in a single site. Something that currently does not exist and that will allow each other to benefit and select individually if they are interested in reaching agreements ”CoWorkH conclude.
CoWorkH, el nuevo portal de trabajo para influencers

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